Gann Square of 9 – Gann Calculator
What is Gann Square of 9 The GANN Square is derived from the Spiral Chart by WD Gann. Gann square of 9 is the Spiral of numbers starting from 1 in a square of nine rows and nine columns. Gann theory is mainly used in intraday trading and is very easy to use. By using GANN theory we can calculate supports and resistances of stock in the stock market. As per Gann square of 9 , support and resistance levels are placed at 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 135 degrees, etc. How to use Gann Square of Nine effectively? Manually calculating and selecting a suitable stock using a Gann square of nine calculators is a time-consuming process. You may track the buy and sell levels of a stock, as well as support (S1, S2, S3, S4) and resistance levels (R1, R2, R3, R4), in the Gann calculator which is available on the Intraday screener website. You can calculate the Gann levels using Ltp or Close, you just need to click on it to choose Ltp or close. LTP (Last Traded Price) is the price o...