Bollinger Band Scans
What is Bollinger Band Scans? The Bollinger bands were created by John Bollinger. Bollinger bands, which are based on a moving average, can be used to determine current market volatility. Bollinger Bands is one of the most effective intraday trading indicators. The Bollinger Bands are made up of three lines. The moving average refers to the middle band. The standard deviations from the moving average (+1,-1) are represented by the upper and lower bands. The market volatility is represented by the upper and lower lines. When the Bollinger band extends, volatility rises; conversely, when the Bollinger band contracts, volatility falls. How to use Bollinger Bands in trading using the intraday screener Using the intraday screener Bollinger bands scan , you may locate stocks that are close to the lower or upper band. When the stock price is approaching the lower range, the stock can move up or down in one of two ways. We seek a selling opportunity if the stock price breaks through ...